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The Best Credit Builder Loan

Keep your cash while building credit and growing your savings with CCCU's Share Secured Loan.


[1] APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Loan approval and APR based on creditworthiness, payment method, and ability to repay. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change. See credit union for more information.

Rates as of: May 8, 2023
Loan Amount (min/max)
36 months
Savings account rate plus 3.00%
Loan Amount (min/max)
$500 / $20,000
120 months
Savings account rate plus 3.00%
Loan Amount (min/max)
$500 / $20,000

[1] APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Loan approval and APR based on creditworthiness, payment method, and ability to repay. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change. See credit union for more information.

Start your Credit Builder Loan application

Share Secured Loan Benefits

Good credit is an important component of financial health and leads to better interest rates on future loans and greater potential savings. But in order to qualify for a credit card or loan, you need to have already established good credit. 

So how do you build credit if you can’t yet qualify for a loan? A CCCU Share Secured Loan can help. 

Man in a city who is building his credit with a Share Secured Loan from CCCU credit union in Portland Oregon.

Build Credit

If you have no credit score or are looking to improve your credit, this is a great option.

Grow Savings

Access your savings once your loan payments are made. Reinvest it or put it towards your next goal.

Competitive Rates

You'll enjoy lower rates with a Shared Secured Loan. Apply today and begin building your credit.

Easy Application

Apply online 24/7 for our Credit Builder Loan and get one step closer to achieving your financial goals!

How does a Credit Builder Loan work?

With a CCCU Share Secured Loan (also referred to as Credit Builder Loan), you’ll pay less interest than you would on other types of loans aimed at people who don’t have much of a credit record—all while you’re building up your credit. 

Here's how it works:

  • Upon approval, the money is held in your CCCU Savings Account while you make payments.
  • While it won’t be available for withdrawal, that money will remain in your account and continue to earn dividends.
  • As you make payments on your loan, the funds on hold in your savings account will be made available to you.
Couple at a computer figuring out their joint finances.


Free Credit Builder Loan Calculator

Use the Secured Loan calculator to estimate your monthly loan payments. Adjust the amount and loan term to find a monthly payment that fits your budget.


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A happy and peaceful woman enjoys financial peace because she is improving her credit score.

How to Improve a Credit Score (Tips):

Paying in cash doesn’t build credit. But with a loan, when you make a monthly payment, it is reported to the credit bureaus. Paying on time and in full every month helps to build good credit. Of course, there are other factors that go into building credit, but on-time payments is an essential element.

Get started
Share Secured Loan options are often overlooked, but can be a valuable way to access cash, pay down higher-rate debt, and build credit. When you’re ready, apply online. If you have questions about Share Secured Loans or building credit, contact us. We’re here to help.

CCCU Debt Consolidation ebook

Discover debt consolidation tools that can help you today!

Our Debt Consolidation: Expectations vs Reality guide will help you learn valuable information about debt consolidation and what to expect when you set out to reduce your overall debt.

Ready to get started? Download your guide now:

What our members are saying:

“I've been a member since it was Jantzen Federal Credit Union. Now I have moved from The Big City but keep my account there. Customer service is excellent. Some of the larger Credit Unions lack the personal connection CCCU has. And I really support the member-owned idea, as opposed to for-profit banks (who seem to always be tweaking the rules and charges to extract money from their customers).”

Markus O.

“I have been a member in some capacity for almost 40 years. I no longer live in OR but have continued to do my banking with CCCU for almost 15 years. I could not be happier with my experience.”

Michael P.

“The absolute best customer service!!! They know me by name. They respect my time. They are kind to my kids. And, because of my direct deposit, I don't have a monthly fee! This bank made living through the pandemic just a little bit more bearable.” 

Name Sofia S.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a share secured loan?

A savings secured loan uses the value of your existing savings account to back your loan. It allows you to borrow money for most purposes while leaving the funds in your savings account in place, so it can earn dividends. Savings secured loans are also a great way to build credit.

Will CCCU pull my credit if I apply for a share secured loan?

Yes, we require a credit report check for a savings secured loan.

I see 2 balances. What do they mean?

Your savings account displays 2 balances: your current balance (how much is in your savings as of the previous day's close of business) and your available balance (how much is available for you to use at that time).

What happens after I'm approved for the loan?

After being approved for a share secured loan, we’ll ask you to sign some documents and then place a hold on the available balance in your savings account in the amount you’re applying for.

What will happen to my balance as I make payments?

As you make payments, your available balance will increase by your payment amount minus this payment’s interest due. Funds are released 24 to 48 hours after a payment is made.

Will I continue to earn dividends?

Yes, you’ll continue to earn dividends on the full current balance in your savings account.