How to Explain a Debt Consolidation Loan to Your Partner

Written by Consolidated Community Credit Union | Dec 13, 2023 6:00:00 PM

When committed couples find themselves wading in a quicksand of debt, the value of a lifeline cannot be understated. Excessive debt strains relationships and reduces the quality of life. Rather than continue to spin your wheels while sinking deeper into financial stress, there comes a time when family members need to have a heart-to-heart talk about finding a solution. One of the tried-and-true strategies couples employ involves consolidating debt by bringing one or more of their accounts under one roof at a lower interest rate. Following this strategy, couples can apply for a debt consolidation loan to regain their financial health and the emotional well-being that comes with it.

Before Discussing Debt Consolidation Loans, Get Honest

Relationships are built on trust and honesty, and financial transparency about the fact you’re falling behind tests both of those qualities. It’s not unusual for couples to separate household responsibilities with one taking the lead on bill paying and money management. After a period where the incoming revenue doesn’t quite keep up with living expenses, credit card bills, and other debts, it’s time to sit down at the table and talk solutions.

One of the things families find helpful is putting the amount of regular expenses that occur monthly down on paper. Creating a list and tallying the total cost of monthly expenses provides a concrete reference point for your partner to review and gain a working knowledge of your financial situation. Don’t be surprised if your partner has questions that involve “how” you got behind. Those questions may be driven by emotions as much as knowledge gathering. Once things settle and both of you understand some type of debt consolidation loan is in order, you can begin the resolution process together. The following recommendations are things couples often find useful.

Check Your Credit Scores

To qualify for a reasonably low-interest joint debt consolidation loan, both of your credit scores will likely come into play. Lenders use credit scores and repayment histories to understand the level of risk they are taking when approving loan products. Low credit scores typically indicate higher risk. That’s why couples may want to secure a free copy of their credit report from each of the three major bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – first. Next, couples should aim to tidy up any blemishes and try to improve their individual scores as much as possible. Keep in mind that both scores impact joint debt consolidation loan opportunities.

Understanding Marital Debt

While many couples go into the debt consolidation loan process to improve their financial health, divorce is not completely unheard of in these situations. That being said, the debt consolidation loan is not necessarily one person’s or the other’s if you decide to part ways. The agreement you sign with a lender makes you both legally responsible for making monthly installments. Those are reasons why couples may want to only include marital debts for consolidation and not items that were accumulated prior to the marriage, such as student loans.

Debt Consolidation Calculator

One of the primary challenges people face is understanding precisely how a debt consolidation loan saves them money. By using a debt consolidation calculator, people can enter existing loans and debts including credit card balances, auto loans, and other outstanding debts, and actually see how much money could be saved with a new debt consolidation loan at a lower rate.

At the end of the day, couples gain first-hand knowledge about potential savings using different scenarios. But before applying for a loan, it’s essential to go over the loan products available and weigh their pros and cons.

Explain What a Debt Consolidation Loan Involves

Debt consolidation involves moving multiple monthly payments under one umbrella. The idea is that by leveraging a loan solution that pays off accounts charging higher interest and fees, consumers save money. Along with long-term family savings, couples can also lower monthly expenses and breathe a sigh of relief. Although there are a variety of loan products for this purpose, the following rank among the most popular and effective solutions.

  • Home Equity Line of Credit: Couples that own a house or have built up significant equity can leverage that asset to apply for a low-interest home equity line of credit. Using this type of loan to pay off debts ranks among the best choices in terms of saving money. Because a home equity line of credit is backed by collateral, lenders typically offer the lowest interest rates possible. However, it’s crucial that couples feel confident about repayment because the home is the collateral.

  • High Limit Credit Card: Taking out another credit card may sound counterproductive at first glance, however, there are certain benefits when done right. Credit card spending and high-interest balances are common reasons why couples get into debt. However, local lenders may offer high-limit credit cards with low interest rates that allow people to transfer balances. Consolidated Community Credit Union offers Visa Credit Cards with no annual fee, no cash advance fee, and no balance transfer fee! People uncomfortable using their home as collateral often find credit card transfers a preferable solution.

  • Personal Loan: Personal loan opportunities can provide the debt consolidation relief couples require. Because lenders take on more risk with low- or no-collateral personal loans, the interest rates are typically higher than options such as home equity lines of credit. However, qualified borrowers can secure competitively low-interest personal loans from local credit unions like CCCU that help accomplish their goals.

Using a debt consolidation calculator in conjunction with a budget featuring monthly expenses can help clear any uncertainty and estimate potential savings. After running the numbers with potential debt consolidation loan options, simple solutions often come to light.

Explain How a Debt Consolidation Loan Can Help

When working through a potentially emotional discussion about financial hardships and solutions with your significant other, it’s important to understand this is not all about money. Your relationship is likely based on love, happiness, values, and planning a rewarding life together. That’s largely why there are two sides to the debt consolidation loan discussion. Quality of life remains equally important as a positive revenue stream. Consider all of the following ways a debt consolidation loan can help.

  • Reduced Stress: Financial struggles rank among the most difficult challenges for couples. Alleviating a negative cash flow and getting your finances back on track now will be helpful in the future. Once things are settled you can look forward to feeling relaxed and enjoying the little things such as a night out.

  • Quality of Life: Bringing your debts into one manageable monthly payment helps provide the financial flexibility to enjoy a day trip or evening out. Grinding away at jobs with little relaxation in your free time is no way to live. A debt consolidation loan can help improve leisure time.

  • Family Planning: A debt consolidation loan helps to achieve long-term family goals. Reduced monthly expenses often allow couples the ability to pay down debt more quickly and set aside funds. Planning for items such as braces, college funds, or expanding the home for a new addition to the family is more easily accomplished with outstanding debt under control.

It’s certainly true that securing a debt consolidation loan saves couples money. However, money is merely a tool to purchase necessities, and saving time and stress is just as valuable.

Choosing the Best Debt Consolidation Loan for You and Your Partner

Selecting the best debt consolidation loan to manage financial difficulties and provide long-term solutions may feel overwhelming. Most people aren’t professional accountants and even using tools such as debt consolidation calculators may come across as intimidating.

Once you have done your research and explored your options, it may be beneficial to reach out to a Loan Specialist at Consolidated Community Credit Union. Unlike traditional banks, which prioritize high-profit margins for shareholders, CCCU is dedicated to its member-owners. Whether you are interested in consolidating your debt with a home equity line of credit, a low-interest-rate credit card, or a personal loan, CCCU is here to provide the assistance you need.

For more tips on deciding if a debt consolidation loan is right for you and your partner,  review our "Debt Consolidation: Expectations vs. Reality" complete guide!