If you are like most families today, you are constantly searching for tips on how to save money to stay within your budget. Often this means looking for ways to cut costs each month so you can afford everything it takes to keep your household running smoothly. Proper budgeting is the key to maintaining your finances each month, and it’s a good life lesson for your children who will benefit from learning your thrifty habits in the future.
The key to successfully putting aside money each month for savings is to make savvy choices that will cause little to no impact on your monthly budget. When you learn how to lower your monthly expenses, you can save money without compromising the wants and needs of your family.
The key to successfully managing your money each month is smart, money-saving habits that allow you to see your savings continue to grow. Be sure you have the perfect savings account in mind for your extra savings. An IRA, Money Market Account, CD, or Savings Account may be the best place to store your extra savings.
Learning how to save money at an early age is the key to your child’s financial success in the future. By your children witnessing your efforts to save and having it be part of your family’s open dialog and regular conversations, you are teaching them healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Learning how to cut costs and save money now will help ensure they make good money decisions later, meaning a brighter financial future for them and their family.
A large amount of any family’s monthly budget goes toward food. Saving money at the grocery store will go a long way to conserving funds each month. Making a list and sticking to it, using coupons on regularly purchased items, and staying within your budget are good habits while shopping for food.
If you shop at businesses that offer reward programs – use them! Taking advantage of these special savings programs can really add up. From credit cards and airlines to grocery stores and restaurants; using points and credits can earn you things like cash back, free travel, and more.
Buying a used car versus a new one can save you money. Savvy consumers know all the extra costs that come with purchasing a new car and know they can do themselves a great financial favor to buy used and save on the immediate depreciation of the vehicle, a higher monthly car payment, higher rates on insurance, and more. Even in times when there may be parts shortages or inventory shortages, consider repairing your existing vehicle over buying a car and start your research early.
Try selling items you no longer want instead of just tossing them. You may be surprised how quickly the cash from your unwanted goods adds up. Try having a garage sale or selling your items online for fast results that can earn you some extra cash for your savings account.
Many people are over-insured, which is costing them a lot of money each month. Check to make sure you have enough insurance without wasting money on costly premiums for insurance you don’t need. From life insurance and health insurance to homeowners insurance and auto coverage – check on your existing premiums and research alternative companies to save big.
Save money by simply eliminating one service from your monthly expenses that you can do without. Maybe you have a gym membership you don’t use, cable TV channels you don’t watch, or that antiquated landline you never even think about that can reduce costs.
Shopping at thrift stores is a great way to save money. From clothes and books to furniture and electronics – there are deals to be had at local thrift stores. This is especially helpful for clothes for kids since they grow quickly and also for barely used furniture that still has a lot of life left in it to enjoy.
There are many types of savings accounts that are a good solution for your extra savings. If you haven’t already, be sure to invest in your future and consider adding to your 401k or IRA.
If your retirement is already planned for, consider placing your extra savings in a money market account, CD, or traditional savings account. Depending on how much money you have and how accessible you will want it to be will help determine which savings account is right for you. Need help deciding?
CCCU is always looking for new ways to help you save for the important things in life, visit any of our branch locations where our teams are ready to help!